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The development and evolution of iron and steel industry, after years of accumulation, in today's national economy, occupies a very important position. Since the reform and development, the achievements of China's iron and steel industry have attracted worldwide attention. As a major steel country, our production and usage is far ahead, ranking the first in the world.

Up to now, we have not only ocean-going giant ships sailing the wind and waves, but also can build huge steel structure buildings. The application field of steel has been infinitely expanded, and the limit is constantly being refreshed. Today, let's go to have a deep understanding of these steel pipe builders who are constantly committed to the application of steel and play to the extreme.
Daqiuzhuang, Tianjin, is famous for its industry and was once honored as the "No.1 Village in China" by the people. However, it has a very strong steel pipe manufacturing industry chain and regional resource advantages on this land which covers an area of only 119 square kilometers. Here, we find a high-frequency welded square tube as the core of the private enterprise, Tianjin YuantaiDerun, since its establishment in 2002, they have undergone ups and downs, continuous innovation, breakthrough technical barriers, and gradually realized from scratch, from zero to one of the beautiful transformation.

“Tianjin YuantaiDerun embellish group, founded in 2002, since its founding has been insist to do steel tube of the rectangular tube structure, since so many years, our party rectangular tubes from small furniture, use the door window, slowly do engineering machinery, equipment manufacturing, the main framework, up to now we developing the steel structure building, especially in recent years, pushing the prefabricated steel structure residential building,In the whole steel structure system, there are more applications for this industry to open a new market space. Then we launched in 2018 established the torque tube industry development and cooperation innovation alliance, behind we also invited by tianjin university, Beijing university of architecture and so on some of the colleges and universities, and some scientific research institutions, together to come in to the platform and make the industry chain, to do the production, study and research, with a joint, from two aspects of the standardization and intelligent manufacturing,Bring something new to the industry”.

—— Tianjin YuantaiDerun Steel Pipe Manufacturing Group Co., LTD